I’m in a Hurry. Where is it Taking Me?

 There is a song by the musical group, Alabama, “I’m in a Hurry.”

All of us appear to be in a hurry. Is that something that benefits us?  At times we are in a season of hurriedness. That is understandable.  But, if your whole life is that way I suggest that you are missing many things.

The first verse of the song states:

“I’m in a hurry to get things done
Oh I rush and rush until life’s no fun
All I really gotta do is live and die
But I’m in a hurry and don’t know why.”


In today’s world being in a hurry can be equated with being busy.  We are busy because we are striving for greater self-esteem, wealth, possessions and property among other things.  But, in looking at my own life and those of my personal business coaching clients I see that excessive hurriedness because we are always busy is a distraction.  We rush and rush until life’s no fun.  And we don’t either recognize or know why our lives are no fun.

Being continually busy never gives me, you, or my clients time to rest and recharge.  The brain in order to function at a high level needs lazy time.  It needs to take a break.  But between texts, emails, phone calls, work and our day to day encounters it’s hard for us and our brains to find the quiet time to recharge. And without quiet time it is more challenging to be happy. I once heard that success is getting what you want.  Happiness is wanting what you get.

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