To Keep Your Networking Working: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself: Part 3
In the last post, we looked at gratitude, happiness and serving others and how your self-talk can guide you in these areas. The result of your networking will be to increase the odds of building deeper relationships. In this post we will go under the hood of self-talk, so to speak and explore the mindset that is necessary to good self-talk which will manifest itself in a positive way to others allowing your networking to accomplish its primary goal, to build deeper relationships. Probably one of the biggest mistakes I see in networking that will keep it from not working is this: People focus on what they can’t control instead of what they can control. A person will meet someone and immediately after they hear a little bit about them and their business, try to “fix them.” If you have a “fixer upper mentality” in your self-talk which manifests itself in your networking, get rid of it. Take a sword to it. No one likes someone coming in with an answer...