
Showing posts from February, 2020

To Keep Your Networking Working: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself: Part 3

In the last post, we looked at gratitude, happiness and serving others and how your self-talk can guide you in these areas.  The result of your networking will be to increase the odds of building deeper relationships. In this post we will go under the hood of self-talk, so to speak and explore the mindset that is necessary to good self-talk which will manifest itself in a positive way to others allowing your networking to accomplish its primary goal, to build deeper relationships. Probably one of the biggest mistakes I see in networking that will keep it from not working is this:  People focus on what they can’t control instead of what they can control.  A person will meet someone and immediately after they hear a little bit about them and their business, try to “fix them.”  If you have a “fixer upper mentality” in your self-talk which manifests itself in your networking, get rid of it. Take a sword to it.  No one likes someone coming in with an answer...

Doubt: The Third Enemy from Within

In the previous two posts we have looked at the fear that is based on indifference and indecision. In this post we will look at doubt. And, like the other fears, doubt has a valid time and place. Yet, if you let doubt rule you, your circle of accomplishment and your feelings of self-worth will be very small. As a  personal development business coach in The Woodlands  and as a  personal development business coach in Houston  I have seen doubt sabotage talented people. When I had businesses of my own, some as large as eighty people, I let doubt creep in and keep me from greater accomplishment. Doubt  is highly personal. It is a fear we generate based on our view of ourselves and our world. It is one the hardest enemies to overcome because it demands that we change our perspective, our reality, on ourselves and our world. If I were to pick one  self-improvement tip for success , it would be to always have  self-awareness  of your doubts. With...

Keys To Success: Learning From Your Time In The Twilight Zone | Self-Improvement Coaching

There is some gold to be mined during the Holidays in discovering your self Improvement tips in life. For most of us, the normal routine is gone. It disappeared during the Christmas. And it was good. Now we have entered that twilight zone. What is the twilight zone? It is a time and place where the rhythm of business, life or both has changed. For most, it is a time where things have slowed down. If you have children in school you will not get to enter the twilight zone until after they go back. The twilight zone is a time for reflection and evaluation. It is a time, with the coming of the new year, to take stock of who you are and where you are at. It is a time to reflect on what has been and what is to come. It is a time of transition as we move from a Holiday mode back into our normal every day routines. One of the keys to success, whether you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, solo professional or an individual, working or not, is to enjoy and learn from ...

Wings to fly- A self Improvement book | Self improvement tips

To be a successful people self improvement is really very important. Self improvement is your own personal elevator. As you rise to the top you will have to let some people off. You will have to let go of ways of thinking and ways of doing things. In fact, self improvement is about letting go. You must let go of the old to have success at bringing in the new. There cannot be any self improvement without letting go. Self improvement does not change things overnight. It is about small things. You develop a new skill here or a new discipline there. And it is the accumulation of these over time that yield a positive harvest in the field that is life. In Wings To Fly , Your Daily Lift Off To Soar To New Heights, my wish is to bring you something to think about every day that can and will improve your life. Your life will not be measured so much by what you accomplish. It will be measured more by what you had to overcome in order to accomplish. Only when you let go of your old think...